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Onam - Savoring the Rich Flavours of Kerala’s Culture and Festivities.

Onam - Kerala’s Culture Child Help Foundation

Fill your Pookalam with Flowers and Life with Happiness Happy Onam

Onam- the Harvest, Happiness and Prosperity Festival is celebrated worldwide on 29th August 2023. The auspicious festival of Kerala began on August 20 and…

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World Senior Citizen’s Day: Have We Failed Our Wise-Ones?

Senior Citizens Child Help Foundation

The wrinkles and lines on the face are not a sign of weakness and frailty, but wisdom. Behind those creases, lie decades of life experiences and treasures. They can act as a bridge toward a…

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Together We Can Make a Difference, World Humanitarian Day

Humanity at its Best Child Help Foundation

People around the world go through tough challenges all the time. Be it conflicts, climate change, wildfires, or even when Covid 19 pandemic, these extreme things eventually leads people to lose their life, homes and…

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