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The Importance of Regular Health Screenings and Check ups In Children

Importance of Regular Health Screenings Child Help Foundation

Regular health screenings and check-ups are essential for the healthy growth and well-being of children. Regular trips to the paediatrician or healthcare provider not only aid in…

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Beyond the Blackboard: Obstacles to Learning in Rural Areas

Beyond the Blackboard Child Help Foundation

Education is a crucial foundation of personal and societal development. However, in rural regions, several hurdles impede the learning process, resulting in a considerable disparity between rural and urban educational performance. These problems are diverse,…

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Embracing Neurodiversity: Celebrating Autistic Pride Day

Quality Education Child Help Foundation

Every year on June 18th, the world celebrates Autistic Pride Day, a day dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the diversity and uniqueness of individuals on the autism spectrum. Unlike Autism Awareness Day, which focuses on…

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