This fundraiser is in an urgent need of funds

Blood Cancer Wreaks Havoc on Shivansh, Please Help Him


“The day the doctor informed me about his condition was the worst day of my life. Millions of memories of him raced through my mind, reminding me of what I might lose if something happened to him. His smile, his playful nature and his birth- that brought a smile to everyone in my house. I have to save him.”

-Omkar Nale ; (Father)

Shivansh Nale, a one-year-old boy living in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, has been diagnosed with blood cancer. His platelet count has diminished because of his condition, and he needs your support.

Supporting Documents

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Shivansh has been called on the 12th & 13th for his injections and after that his next line of Treatment would be decieded.

₹ 5,00,000/-

(As per Indian Government Mandate)

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Niche Hospital, Kolhapur

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403/ 404, Sai Arpan, near P.G. Vora school, Joggers Park Rd, Mira Road, Maharashtra 401107

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