“Since my son's birth, he's been battling through unimaginable challenges. All I wish for is a simple, normal life for him. Will it ever be possible?”-
Rigvedh's anal dialation was fixed on the March 6th and the doctor said that he could have surgery on the March 10th or 11th.
He is at home now, the review has been scheduled for next week,20th . The surgery date will be fixed depending on his health condition.
He is at home now the review has been scheduled for next week 20th . The surgery date will be fixed depending on his health condition.
Rigved, doctor has said to do anal dialation test on the 12th December.
Rigved, doctor has said to do anal dialation test on next week, 12th December.
Rigved, doctor has said to do anal dialation test on next week, 28th Nov.
He, doctor has said to do anal dialation test on next week 28th Nov.
He, doctor has said to do anal dialation test on next week 28th Nov.
He has his next Hospital visit on 18 th November, and will plan for surgery after medical check up.
He has his next Hospital visit on 18 th November, and will plan for surgery after medical check up.
He has his next Hospital visit on 18 th November, and will plan for surgery after medical check up.
He has his next Hospital visit on 18 th November, and will plan for surgery after medical check up.
He has undergone a successful anal dilatation surgery, and is currently at home, Has his follow ups as per the Treating Doctors call.
He has undergone a successful anal dilatation surgery, and is currently at home, Has his follow ups as per the Treating Doctors call.
He has undergone a successful anal dilatation surgery, and is currently at home, Has his follow ups as per the Treating Doctors call.
He has undergone a successful anal dilatation surgery, and is currently at home, Has his follow ups as per the Treating Doctors call.
He is currently at home, will visit hospital on 28th of June for blood tests.
He is currently at home, he will visit hospital on the 28th June for tests and accordingly get the date of surgery.
He is currently at home, he will visit hospital on the 28th June for tests and accordingly get the date of surgery.
He is currently at home, he will visit hospital on the 28th for tests and accordingly get the date of surgery.
He is currently at home, will visit hospital on next week for consultation.
He has been suggested to visit the Hospital next month May, to get the confirmation for his plastic surgery.
He has been suggested to visit the Hospital next month May, to get the confirmation for his plastic surgery.
He has been suggested to visit the Hospital next month May, to get the confirmation for his plastic surgery.
He has his next Hospital visit on the 3rd April, to confirm his date of Anorectal Plastic surgery.
He has his next Hospital visit on the 27th March to confirm his date of Anorectal Plastic surgery.
Rigved has his next Hospital visit on the 27th March to confirm his date of Anorectal Plastic surgery.
He has his next Hospital visit on the 27th March to confirm his date of Anorectal Plastic surgery.
He would be visiting the Hospital on the 4th March for his Anal Diagnosis.
He would be visiting the Hospital on the 4th March for his Anal Diagnosis.
He is currently at home, Would be visiting the Hospital on the 5th February for his Medical Follow ups.
MIMS Hospital Kerala
403/ 404, Sai Arpan, near P.G. Vora school, Joggers Park Rd, Mira Road, Maharashtra 401107
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