“For over a year, we couldn’t conceive a child. Then my prayers were answered when the gods blessed me with one, whom I named Kaveri. When I found out that she had cancer, I couldn't accept the reality. I wasn’t able to eat while thinking about her. My husband is madly in love with the child; she is our only child. I only want her to be safe and nothing more.”
Kaveri is currently admitted in the Hospital, undergoing her Chemotherapy in the Hospital, would be getting Discharged tommorrow.
Kaveri is currently admitted in the hospital for Bone Marrow Aspiration test after that she will receive chemotherapy.
Kaveri would be visiting the Hospital on the 8th March for her Medical Follow ups.
Kaveri is currently at home, her next visit is on 8th march for blood test and follow up.
Kaveri had her One day Chemotherapy on 25th_ Saturday Currently at home and has been provided with the needful medication Has her next Hospital Visit on the 8th March for her Blood test and Medical follow ups.
Kaveri has her next follow up on 23rd January 2025.
Kaveri has her next follow up on 23rd January 2025.
Kaveri has her next follow up on 23rd January 2025.
Kaveri has her next follow up on 23rd January 2025.
Kaveri has her next follow up on 23rd January 2025.
Kaveri has her next follow up on 23rd January 2025.
Kaveri has her next follow up on 23rd January 2025.
Kaveri has her next Medical follow up on the 23rd Dec for her Medical Follow ups.
Kaveri has her next Medical follow up on the 14th Dec for her 1 day Chemotherapy.
Kaveri has her next Medical follow up on the 7th Dec for Blood tests.
Kaveri is currently admitted in the hospital for one day chemotherapy.
Kaveri has next one day chemo on 30th november.
Kaveri has next one day chemo on 30th november.
Kaveri has next one day chemo on 30th november.
Kaveri's chemotherapy is postponed due to viral infection, she has been called on 16th November for follow up.
Kaveri's chemotherapy is postponed due to viral infection, she has been called on 16th November for follow up.
Kaveri willl be visiting hospital on 12th November for one day chemotherapy.
Kaveri willl be visiting hospital on 12th November for one day chemotherapy.
kaveri is admitted in the hospital for one day chemotherapy.
Kaveri willl be visiting hospital on 23rd October for follow up.
Kaveri willl be visiting hospital on 23rd October for follow up.
Kaveri is admitted in the Hospital, undergoing her 1 day Chemotherapy
Kaveri willl be visiting hospital on 15th October for one day chemotherapy.
Kaveri would be getting admitted on the 1st Oct for her 1 ady Chemo.
Kaveri would have visiting the hospital next on the 17th, Sept for her 1 day Chemotherapy
Kaveri would have visiting the hospital next on the 17th, Sept for her 1 day Chemotherapy.
Kaveri has her next Chemotherapy after 2 weeks _17th Sept.
kaveri is currently undergoing one day chemotherapy on day care basis.
Mazumdar Shaw Medical Centre, Bengaluru
Kaveri S S
403/ 404, Sai Arpan, near P.G. Vora school, Joggers Park Rd, Mira Road, Maharashtra 401107
© Copyright Child Help Foundation 2024