“She’s my first child. We have dreamt of starting a family since we were married and now that dream is fading away right before our eyes. I would give up everything, but what I have is not enough.”
Dnyanda has medical follow ups every Monday at Nashik, hospital where in the Treating Doctor visits the hospital. Transplant confirmation date is yet to be decided.
Dnyanda has medical follow ups every Monday at Nashik, hospital where in the Treating Doctor visits the hospital. Transplant confirmation date is yet to be decided.
Dnyanda has medical follow ups every Monday at Nashik, hospital where in the Treating Doctor visits the hospital. Transplant confirmation date is yet to be decided.
Dnyanada has medical follow ups every Monday at Nashik, hospital where in the Treating Doctor visits the hospital. Transplant confirmation date is yet to be decided.
Dnyanada has medical follow ups every Monday at Nashik, hospital where in the Treating Doctor visits the hospital. Transplant confirmation date is yet to be decided.
Dnyanada's surgery is postponed in the next 2 weeks as she is having cough and cold.
Dnyanada's surgery is postponed in the next 2 weeks as she is having cough and cold.
Dnyanada's surgery is postponed in the next 2 weeks as she is having cough and cold.
Dnyanada's surgery is postponed in the next 2 weeks as she is having cough and cold.
Dnyanada's surgery is postponed in the next 2 weeks as she is having cough and cold.
Dnyanada's surgery is postponed in the next 2 weeks as she is having cough and cold.
Dnyanada's surgery is postponed in the next 2 weeks as she is having cough and cold.
Dnyanada's surgery is postponed as she is having cough and cold.
Dnyanda Has Medical follow ups every Monday at Nashik, hospital where in the Treating Doctor visits the hospital Transplant has been tentatively dated on the 14th Nov.
Dnyanda Has Medical follow ups every Monday at Nashik, hospital where in the Treating Doctor visits the hospital Transplant confirmation is yet to be decided.
Gleneagles Hospital Mumbai
403/ 404, Sai Arpan, near P.G. Vora school, Joggers Park Rd, Mira Road, Maharashtra 401107
© Copyright Child Help Foundation 2024