“People come to my house to admire my medals, trophies and talents. But when I need help, I can’t turn towards anybody. My children deserve a future and I don’t want it to be wasted.”
Despite his disability, Shekar Veeraswamy hasn’t slowed down in his life. He has won various accolades and is one of the top players in wheelchair tennis. However, in spite of his many achievements, he has limited financial resources.
His three children, Tejashwaran, Aishwarya and Harshika, study at Devanga Sangha Primary & High School in Bengaluru, Karnataka in classes VIth, VIIIth and Ist respectively. Their combined school fees are coming at
Rs. 66,270/- (Rupees Sixty-Six Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy Only).
His children are incredibly talented and bright futures await them all. They just need an opportunity to excel. Please provide this chance to three children of a hardworking father.
Donate as much as you can and share it with all your friends and family members.
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