At the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health, 10th October is globally celebrated as World Mental Health Day and is officially recognized as such by the United Nations. The annual celebration brings attention to the mental health crisis and its major effects on people's lives worldwide.
The theme for the year 2023 is ‘Mental Health is a Universal Human Right’. The theme’s goal is to make mental health a human right for all citizens in the world.
According to reports, India has the 41st highest rate of suicide globally. With over 1.64 lakh people committing suicide in the year 2021, increasing the suicide rate from 11.3 in 2020 to 12 in 2021.
In another report by the National Mental Health Survey 2019, 56 million people are thought to suffer from depression and 38 million are estimated to suffer from anxiety disorder.
So what can we do to increase awareness of Mental Health on this World Mental Health Day?
- Don’t Be Hesitant to Discuss Mental Health
Global society in general and especially in India have made mental health a taboo. Most people feel ashamed to discuss mental health, which does more harm than good in the long run.
Encouraging people to talk about mental health and discussing your own struggles can open the doors to various conversations. This will make our society more open to talk about mental health.
Educate Yourself and Others Around You
In order to not make others feel sorry for themselves, most people struggling with mental health disorders keep their inner turmoils to themselves. Trivializing their struggles as being ‘in their minds’ doesn’t do anything to help either.
It is important to know about the signs that someone is going through mental turmoil. Some warning signs of mental health decline may include; Mood changes, Antisocial Behaviour, Changes in Sleep and Eating Patterns and Constant Sadness.
Be Kind and Compassionate
“The only thing I do know... is that we have to be kind. Please... be kind... especially when we don't know what's going on.” - Waymond Wang, Everything Everywhere All at Once
It is important to use kindness and compassion while interacting with people. One should extend this value to not only people suffering from mental health but to everyone in their vicinity.
Participate or Volunteer in Awareness Events
Various NGOs and organizations run events on mental health during World Mental Health Day. By volunteering in such events, you bring attention to this issue in your local communities. You can use these events to get out there and directly address the need for more people to become aware of the realities of their mental health and that of those around them.
Share About Mental Health on Social Media
Social Media has been a go-to place for people to learn about mental health. Using these platforms, you can raise awareness about mental health. Your one share can change the life of someone around you. So, don’t hesitate to share it.
Child Help Foundation is aware of the burgeoning mental health crisis. Child Help Foundation has organized numerous mental health and suicide prevention sessions to address this issue.
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