India observes this week to spread awareness about the need of nutrition in our diets. Nowadays, junk and nutritionless food items fill what we eat throughout our day. The reason being the presence of unhealthy food in our surroundings which has made nutritious food almost extinct from our lives.

This problem has resulted in a rise in obesity, health problems, mental problems, and much more. The state of the world has come to a point where being healthy is considered a privilege that is awarded to only those who can afford it. But that’s one of the many false notions about living a healthy life. With the spread of Veganism around the world, the debates around nutrition have been on the rise. With much false information making its way through social media, there has also been some great information that if applied properly, can be beneficial for our bodies.
India has faced a lot of difficulties when it comes to the health of its citizens. Which is why, a concept of National Nutrition Week was started in 1982, to fight malnutrition so that it doesn't tamper with our dream of becoming a great nation, free from all internal diseases. In our attempt to prosper along with the world, being considerate as to what we eat became a hindrance, something in the back seat. Due to this reason, India faces the world's worst malnutrition crisis, a problem that doesn't seem to be solved.

Now, the point of healthy food not being in close surroundings and access to junk around all of us, is a point that can be refuted by the simplest of diets.
Some people claim that the reason they don't look for healthy food is that to worry about what you eat all the time, is a worry they don't want to face. Apart from all their worries and decisions, if what they eat takes more is another problem they have to take care of, then that’s too much.
But that’s not a thing, to always be conscious of what you put in your mouth, it’s a great mental exercise. It takes a great deal of awareness to always read the nutritional charts, and ignore items that are fried, or have no nutritional value whatsoever.
The easiest diet that will not only be beneficial for your health, but is also very easy to divide.
Diet based on the color of Rainbow.
This diet has been highly influential for people who have followed it for some period of time. Instead of finding out items and then reading about it, and then worrying how to cook it, this diet is basically just eating vegetables/ fruits based on the colors of a rainbow.
For eg: Red. For the color red, eating vegetables/fruits like tomatoes, apples, beets, red cabbage, strawberries, watermelon, sweet potato, etc.
For the color orange, eating vegetables/ fruits like pumpkin, carrots, mangoes, oranges, or papaya.
For the color yellow, eating stuff like corn, yellow pepper, lemons, etc, can help majorly.
For the color green, eating vegetables are found easily everywhere, like spinach, peas, grapes, green apples, avocado, broccoli.
And same with the other colors.
As mentioned, these healthy items don't take much thinking. All you have to do is decide the color you want to eat and find a similar vegetable. Or make a salad by combining all the colors.

These hacks have been great for better health, because all these vegetables have been found to provide the most essential nutrients for the body.
Apart from this easy diet, there are many more that can be found. For better understanding you can get a health checkup first, then understand what nutrients your body lacks and then add it in your diet. Dieting is not hard, it just needs to be followed with devotion, and results will follow nevertheless.
Now, we talked about the problem of malnutrition in India, and the lack of food to people. It’s a problem that plagues the country and not only harms us internally but can also result in harsh outcomes. Reports say that 44% percent of children in India are underweight. Seeing these datas and reports, one wonders, what’s the solution?
Child Help Foundation
India is home to 46.6 million stunned children, an issue that was addressed by the Child Help Foundation through Khushiyaan Foundation and through some of our individual contributors.
Child Help Foundation runs multiple initiatives to provide meals to underprivileged children. One of the most effective and successful initiatives that Child Help Foundation runs along with partner NGOs is called ‘Roti Ghar’, where 1,800 kids are fed warm meals everyday.
During the Global Pandemic, the underprivileged children whose parents are migrant workers, the Rag pickers, below poverty line, Safai Walas and Security Guards and many more, were unable to meet their basic amenities and benefited a lot from this initiative.
So far, 13,44,457 individuals have benefited from “Roti Ghar”.

When the concept of Zero Hunger materializes, and we live in a world without hunger and food insecurity, it is tiny gestures like these that rocket activities. It will move us closer to the 2030 goal.
To help Child Help Foundation achieve the Zero Hunger mission, you can donate and bring smiles to thousands of children.