National Nutrition Week: Make a Promise to Keep Our Nation Healthy

Posted on: 2024-09-02 10:36:43
National Nutrition Week Child Help Foundation

National Nutrition Week is held annually in the first week of September to advocate the importance of nutrition through various events and mediums. It is a week to reflect on our daily diet and how it can harm us in the long run.

However, in modern life where everything is so fast-paced, a healthy diet seems to have lost priority in everyone’s lives. It is only when serious health illness occurs that people realise the consequences of their actions.

But is it fair to blame everyone when the world demands us to be on time and we have to manage everything from sleep to social life to eating to work? This makes us think that people are not to be blamed for having an unhealthy lifestyle and in the modern world health has sadly become solely accessible to the rich.

In this article, we are going to lay out how you can balance nutrition in the modern-day hustle and bustle.

One thing you can do is prepare for a meal ahead of time. You can utilise your free time to prepare food for the week. You can marinate chicken or whatever and store it in the fridge which can last up to two days.

Snacking Child Help Foundation

Snacking has become absolutely essential. When you work long hours, you need something to restore your energy while having a quick snack. However, it is necessary to explore healthier alternatives for snacking. This can include nuts, trail mix, whole-grain cereal, fresh or dried fruit, whole-grain crackers, or granola bars.

Make sure to not skip your breakfast. You can quickly make breakfast within minutes by boiling eggs or having a banana or a glass of milk. You can even try to make smoothies using fruits, yoghurt, milk or milk alternatives and nut butter.

However, there might be times when you have no option but to take something from fast food chains. So while ordering from fast food restaurants, make sure to choose grilled or baked meat instead of fried ones.

You can also inculcate a habit of checking nutrition facts and watching portion sizes. You need not apply all of this immediately and is important to consult a dietician before you apply any of these methods as everyone’s body is unique with their own individual needs.

Child Help Foundation is working towards building a healthy lifestyle for children. Child Help Foundation regularly provides nutrition-filled food items to children in Palgar, in collaboration with ISKCON and donates ration kits for pediatric tuberculosis patients monthly. Through its various programmes, Child Help Foundation has helped 26,75,278 people with nutritional food.

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