“The moment we learned of my son's Aplastic Anaemia, it felt like the Earth beneath us crumbled, leaving us suspended in a haunting reality. Every cry of pain from Rohan echoes in our hearts, stealing away our peace. Sleep eludes us, haunted by fears for his fragile health. Each passing moment is laden with an unbearable weight of worry and desperation for his well-being.”-
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platelets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platellets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platellets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platellets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platellets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platellets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platellets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platellets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platellets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platellets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platellets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platellets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platellets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays.
Rohan has his platellets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays-Next visit on the 11th For his Blood Platellets.
Rohan has his platellets transfusion on every Thursday and follow ups on every Mondays-Next visit on the 11th For his Blood Platellets.
Rohan has his Medical Follow ups on the 4th July for his blood platellets.
Rohan has his Medical Follow ups on the 4th July for his blood platellets.
Rohan has his Medical Follow ups on the 27th June in the Hospital.
Rohan has his Medical Follow ups on the 20th June in the Hospital.
Rohan has his Medical Follow ups on the 13th June in the Hospital.
Rohan has his Medical Follow ups on the 6th June in the Hospital.
Rohan has his Medical Follow ups on the 3rd June in the Hospital.
Rohan has his Medical Follow ups on the 30thMay in the Hospital.
Rohan has his Medical Follow ups today, 23rd May in the Hospital.
Rohan visited the Hospital on the 20th For his CBC, Would be visiting the Hospital on the 23rd for his follow ups.
Rohan is currently admitted in the Hospital for his Platellets counts.
Rohan has been provided with the needful Medications, Would be visiting the Hospital on the 15th May for his Blood Counts
Rohan has been provided with the needful Medications, Would be visiting the Hospital on the 9th May for his Blood Counts.
Rohan londhe would be getting admitted today, 25th April and surgery has been planned on the 27th April.
Rohan had visited hospital on 28th March for fitness test before surgery. Currently awaiting for the MRI reports.
Rohan will visit hospital on 29th March for fitness test before surgery.
Rohan will visit hospital on 28th March for fitness test before surgery.
Rohan visits the hospital on a day care basis, scheduled for platelet transfusion, which would be on the 21st March.
Rohan visits the hospital on a day care basis, scheduled for platelet transfusion but is delayed because his father who is also a donor has viral fever.
Rohan has been called on the 25th January for his Blood Platellets Reports and to meet with the treating Doctor.
Rohan has been called today, 11th January for his Blood Platellets Reports and to meet with the treating Doctor.
Rohan would be visiting the Hospital on the 10th January for his CBC.
Rohan would be visiting the Hospital on the 4th January for his CBC.
Rohan would be visiting the Hospital on the 21st for his Blood transfusion.
Rohan would be visiting the Hospital on the 21st for his Blood transfusion.
Apollo Cancer Centres,Chennai
403/ 404, Sai Arpan, near P.G. Vora school, Joggers Park Rd, Mira Road, Maharashtra 401107
© Copyright Child Help Foundation 2024