This fundraiser is in an urgent need of funds

Save This Newborn’s Life Before It’s Too Late


"Every breath my son takes is a battle, and for us, every moment is a prayer. I see my little boy fighting, his tiny hands clenching onto life, and my heart shatters knowing I cannot ease his pain. He deserves a chance to grow, to laugh, to live. Please help us save him."

Ajit Kumar ; (Father)

The happiness of welcoming their baby boy quickly turned into a fight for survival for Shivani and Ajit. Their little one came into the world with severe health complications and was soon diagnosed with Meningomyelocoele. He is currently fighting for his life on oxygen support at Narayana Mother & Child Care Centre (4.4 km from Gurgaon Railway Station), Gurugram, Haryana.

Supporting Documents

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BO Shivani has undergone successful surgery completed and is currently in the NICU under observation_Likely to get Discharged by this weekend.


B/O Shivani has undergone successful surgery and now has been kept under observation in NICU.


BO Shivani is currently admitted in the Hospital, surgery date is awaited.

₹ 3,00,000

(As per Indian Government Mandate)

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Narayana Mother & Child Care Centre

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B/O Shivani

403/ 404, Sai Arpan, near P.G. Vora school, Joggers Park Rd, Mira Road, Maharashtra 401107

© Copyright Child Help Foundation 2024