What are Sustainable Development Goals? In 2015, 192 nations around the world came together and made an agreement with the United Nation on a treaty that they can change the world to be a better place for living. Global Movement – Government Transparency The Sustainable Development Goals are a collection of 17 global objectives which are designed to be a blueprint that can achieve a better and sustainable future for all. SDG3 promotes a targeted approach to well-being and good health of people around the globe. Child Help Foundation is an NGO in Mumbai, and it is among the top NGOs in India. Child Help Foundation (CHF) has aligned with UN SDG Goals and has provided medical treatments to those people who were in need. CHF is one of the best medical cases NGOs in Mumbai or best Medical NGOs in Mumbai, as it gets in touch and seeks help from specialized doctors to help children who require immediate medical attention. Volunteers are regularly tracking down updates on underprivileged children who require medical attention. They also support appeals from hospitals, families of underprivileged patients, and NGOs whenever they require Emergency Medical Support and therefore, are known as one of the best NGO for medical treatment.

Several factors that impact one's health are poverty, an unhygienic environment which majorly contributes to various aspects of SD (Sustainable Development) includes gender equality, Climate Changes, mental stability, and peace. In recent years, improvements have been made but still, ample difficulties are seen like Sexual and Reproductive health care has always been a taboo. Awareness of sexual and reproductive health is so important but still, it is neglected which gives birth to various STDs (Sexually transmitted disease). Each day cases of HIV arise by billions, people crippled by diseases and are unable to find a way out of it because of their income, these not only include children but also adults. Even though the economic union has increased, still everyday new health difficulties and risks are appearing. The Novel CoronaVirus (Covid-19) has worsened the situation even more.
Many children around the globe are suffering through extreme pain and anxiety due to Congenital Heart disease (CHD) and Cancer. Approximately, 70% of these children are underprivileged, due to which they are not able to get proper medical attention. Among the list of NGO in Mumbai and Medical NGO in Mumbai, Child Help Foundation has been known as one of the best NGO for Children Rights and has focused on basic needs of children like their education, treatment, cure and care, and overall development. Child Help Foundation has raised funds through donors and has successfully helped more than 835 children. However, the support doesn’t stop there, once the patient is in the recuperation stage, regular updates are taken about the patient’s medical status along with families' status. There are various Medical NGOs in Mumbai who provide medical support and helps in treatment but CHF is one of the best Medical NGOs in Mumbai because they have initiated a programme known as “Swastha Se Shiksha” where they help children and provide medical support, who are unable to attend school due to lack of motivation or financial backing and have helped more than 2 lakh children who were in need.

Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) is a birth defect that affects the functioning of the heart. The term “Congenital” basically means “present from birth”. Congenital abnormalities of the heart and circulation, are not fixed anatomic errors that appear at birth, but instead are anomalies in flux that originate in the early fetus stage. They evolve during pregnancy, survive the dramatic circulatory alterations at birth, and change considerably during extrauterine life.
The birth prevalence of CHD is 9/1000. According to research, In India, the number of children born with Congenital Heart Disease is more than 20,000 per year. Among this 1/5th are found to have a serious defect, expecting arbitration in the first year of life. The prevalence of other types of CHDs has remained stable while ubiquity of some CHDs, especially mild types, is increasing.
The term cancer defines a collection of related diseases. In cancer, cells of the body start to divide and spread into surrounding tissues. Normally cells are born, grown, divided into cells, and the older cells die but in cancer, the older cells do not die and they keep dividing. Every year, in India, 11.6 lakhs of people have been diagnosed with common cancer, out of which 40,000 to 50,000 cases are of children’s. In India, cancer is the 9th common cause for the deaths among children between 5 and 14 years of age group.

Cancer is different for adults and children. They can both get at the same part of the body but it will differ. Childhood cancers have a high cure rate, though it occurs suddenly without early symptoms. Leukaemia is the most common type of cancer seen in children. Out of all cancer, only a few (3%) occur in children’s and they are susceptible to chemotherapy treatment. The child cancer patient quotient is small, the cure rate is high, and the total number of fruitful life-years saved by curing these children is significantly high, and therefore the effort in treating them properly is more valuable, worthwhile, and fulfilling.
Kerala has the highest number of cancer registration among all the states in India. Other states like Mizoram, Haryana, Delhi, and Karnataka also have a higher number of cancer patients. According to a report, it was found that Mizoram had the highest number of the death rate due to cancer followed by Kerala and Haryana.

The main reason for the death rates is poor medical infrastructure. Out of 80 lakh cancer patients around the globe, 29 lakh is present in India. The available cancer care facilities are not enough and adequate to tackle the increasing number of cancer cases. Nationally, only 62 dedicated cancer care hospitals are present, including both regional and national facilities.
As Darwin's theory says “Survival of the fittest”, every kid is born to survive. Some may fit in some may not, but it’s our responsibility to help and make them capable to fit in this race of survival of the fittest.

Among the NGO for Medical Support or Medical NGO in Mumbai, CHF has the best reviews. The NGO Medical Cases handled by CHF is as follows, more than 835 children recovered from cancer treatment, open heart surgery, liver, kidney and bone marrow transplant. More than 4 lakh children were fulfilled, by providing proper nutritional value under hygiene, nutrition program and health. It is difficult for the parents and the families to go through this unpleasant journey where the results are not in their hands and they are helpless at that moment. Child Help Foundation’s vision is to reach out to marginalized children in need, empowering them, bringing smiles, and making them future-ready.
Please go through the success stories of Child Help Foundation (CHF) to get some insights into cases that have brought smiles in the lives of children and their families!
There are various reasons to help raise the money for health and medical associated causes, but the satisfaction in "Bringing Smiles" in the lives of the marginalized children brings out the essence of life and makes it meaningful.
You help, they win and they live. You win too, in the process!